Monday, January 19, 2009

Introducing REMV...Not heard of it yet?...You will.

REMV, or Real Estate Music Video, is the newest and hottest way of video marketing homes. Like the music videos you see on TV and Youtube, this application can range from hard-hitting impact marketing to soft (think James Taylor) and smooth video marketing.

To give you an idea of what an REMV can look like, here's a sample:

If you think this marketing application is cool, you should see what you can do with a single property REMV. A key component to creating this kind of video is looking at your photography in a different way. It's no longer just about posting pictures and adding a soundtrack, it's about telling a story and creating a sequence of photos that take the viewer on a ride complete with images of the area as well as the individual property.

Best regards,

Jay Burnham, VP
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Direct: 978.233.2828
Text: 978.578.5590


  1. good always....

  2. Keep up the great work....

  3. Great tool Don Papi Cassano, Fafard Real Estate
