Before attempting to sell your home alone, get all the facts. Learn from the experience of the most qualified real estate agent you can find. With a REALTOR® on your side, you'll be on your way to a successful sale.
Friday, April 27, 2007
A Personal Invitation
Friday, April 20, 2007
Is There a Limit?
Friday, April 13, 2007
Lemonade for Sale – 10 Cents!
The lemonade stand contains a message for home sellers, too. Price your home too high and people will look but not buy. Price it too low and you will be overrun by buyers thirsty for a bargain. What is the right price for your home? There is a time-proven method to determine that price.
First, call a REALTOR®! Selling your home is no lemonade stand situation, it is serious business. By securing the representation of a REALTOR®, you can expect to receive all the facts about sale prices before the "For Sale" sign goes up.
Because buyers compare homes before making a purchase, ask your REALTOR® for a detailed accounting of homes for sale now, the homes that are competing with yours for buyers. Next, ask to see the sale prices of similar homes which have sold recently. This will give you a good idea what buyers are willing to pay for homes like yours. You should also expect to be told what buyers are not willing to pay, as illustrated by the prices of homes which did not sell.
Pricing your home correctly form the beginning is the key to a successful sale at the best possible price. For complete details, select a REALTOR®, then enjoy the benefits…SOLD!
For a Comprehensive Market Analysis of your home, along with our unique Marketing Plan, call us today. We'll help you get the best price for your home.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Wholesale or Retail?
Lastly, how will your home be marketed to prospective buyers? Your experienced real estate agent will be able to answer this important question, too. The right answer could be your assurance of receiving a top price for your home.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Up or Down?...The March Real Estate Market Update
In January, I wrote a blog entitled "Knowing Exactly When the Market will Change" that received many comments, replies and supportive feedback. In that blog, I stated that as soon as we have 3 consecutive months when more inventory is going off (under contract) than is coming on (new listings) we can expect to once again experience an appreciating market. So where do we stand so far this year?
In JANUARY, in my 22 town Massachusetts North Shore area, 404 single family homes came on the market and 209 single family homes went under contract (off market).
In FEBRUARY, 377 single family homes came on the market on the North Shore and 242 homes went under contract.
In MARCH, 543 single family homes came on the market on the North Shore and 256 homes went under contract. That's more than TWICE as many coming on vs. going off.
The message: Real estate values will continue to decline until this trend reverses. Part of the solution? Sellers need to recognize that it is no longer 2003 and price their homes ahead of the declining price curve.
I will provide another update again in the beginning of May and we'll take a look and see if the market is changing or if we can expect more of the same for a while.