Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Welsh Terrier Rules

Linda and I have two Welsh Terriers...Ozzie and Harriet.  (If you are younger than 39, you probably don't get it.)

If you have ever owned a terrier, you know that it is a special breed and somewhat headstrong.  As a result of our experiences, I offer you the following Welsh Terrier Rules:

1.  The Welsh Terriers are not allowed in the house.

2.  Okay, the Welsh Terriers are allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.

3.  The Welsh Terriers are allowed in all rooms, but have to stay off the furniture.

4.  The Welsh terriers are only allowed on the old furniture.

5.  Fine, the Welsh Terriers are allowed on all the furniture, but are not allowed to sleep with the humans on the bed.

6.  All right, the Welsh Terriers are allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.

7.  The Welsh Terriers can sleep on the bed whenever they want, but not under the covers.

8.  The Welsh Terriers can sleep under the covers anytime they want.

9.  Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the Welsh Terriers!

10.  In all cases of disput.... the Welsh Terriers rule!

Update 12/23/10: After receiving the comment from Jon Snyder about his Welshie, Fletch, and a certain low growl when being asked to move...New Rule 8A: "Humans must defer to the preferred location of the Welsh Terrier on the bed."


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Love it! I have a cat who rules my house....

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I have a cat that "owns" 1/3 of the bed, my wife gets 1/3 and the rest for me.....And it's a queen size bed.

  3. Jon Snyder12:20 AM

    So true. Fletch (my Welsh) is currently sleeping over the covers, but in the exact middle of my bed forcing me to lay crossways as I surf the web before lights out. Any effort to move him, or a threat of "I'm going to pick you up and move you" results in a low-pitched, sleepy "grrrrrr". So, I add to your list "Humans must defer to the preferred location of the Welsh Terrier on the bed." Cheers!

  4. Jon...The EXACT same thing happens with our Welshies! Consider your rule added to the list.

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Our Welsh (Mindy) most times will not go outside unless the human goes out first. Rule 11- Human check out the weather conditions before Welsh goes outside.
