I recently wrote two blog posts here ("
Truth and Facts...A Challenge for Democracy" and "
Patriotism is a Virtue") in which I discussed the viral emails we all regularly receive from those who insist that America is on the brink of destruction, primarily because of our President, who they insist upon calling Barrack
Hussein Obama...as if including his middle name proves that he is not an American citizen and that he is secretly a Muslim who is hell-bent on destroying our constitution and the American way of life.
For proof of this, these hate-filled emails offer up all kinds of false and misleading diatribe. The exaggerations, lies and fear-mongering propagated by these messages have necessitated the creation of rumor debunking sites such as
TRUTHORFICTION.com and others.
Nine times out of ten, if you take the time to do a little research, you find that the emails are littered with falsehoods and misleading innuendo. Often they will contain one or two facts, surrounded by misinformation and lies. They are nothing more than the clever manipulation of the natural human tendency to trust.
Worst of all...they call upon you to forward the emails to others in an effort to somehow prove the lies are the truth by virtue of how many others receive the emails, believe the falsehoods, and then forward them on to even more unsuspecting readers.
The messages are never meant to inform, only to inflame. They are intentional redirection from reality and progress, to a paranoid delusion and the fomenting of hatred of Americans by Americans.
We see the same thing from many of the TV and online news media outlets - in particular, Fox News.
Consider these tallies from Glenn Beck's show on Fox News since President Obama's inauguration: 202 mentions of Nazis or Nazism, according to transcripts, 147 mentions of Hitler, 193 mentions of fascism or fascist, and another 24 bonus mentions of Joseph Goebbels. Most of these were directed in some form at Obama -- as were the majority of the 802 mentions of socialist or socialism on Beck's nightly report. (Source: Dana Milbank,
The Washington Post)
Isn't it ironic...and utterly arrogant...that the crusade to prove Barack Obama a foreign influence is led by an Australian named Murdock and his second largest shareholder Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia?
I don't know about you, but I have had enough.
The right to freedom of speech is one of our most cherished rights. It is also a double-edged sword: the same right that allows us to criticize our government's policies without fear of reprisal also protects those who endorse and promote racism, anti-semitism, ethnic hatred and other socially divisive positions.
And therein lies a significant threat to democracy, because voters that choose to believe unsubstantiated "facts", false innuendo and speeches and videos taken totally out of context become susceptible to voting based upon ignorance and misinformation, uniquely unenlightened by facts or truth.
Choosing the above path is a real threat to our American way of life, and it's unacceptable to me.
How about you?